Monday, August 11, 2008

Stubborn Baby

Today was the ultrasound. The baby wouldn't work with us, so we don't know what we are having. The baby held tight with it's legs as well as had the cord between them too. Hopefully, we'll get another ultrasound done to find out. Possibly in 4 - 6 weeks. What a bummer!! I was hoping we'd find out, so I could shop for some good deals.

Todd is adjusting to family life. He is working on "projects". What a great husband!! I finally have a sprinkler system that works. Yeah!! Now, I wish that I could clone him and get all the other stuff fixed/repaired, etc. Also, does anyone know how to find a "never ending" source of money?? Unfortunatly, it takes money to do most of this stuff. Someday....


SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Cute bath photo! I love the idea of cloning your husband and maybe the extra man can lay golden eggs, too. That would do the trick. And he'd understand childbirth a little better. . .

Grandma Duffy said...

My how Skyler's feet have grown!!!
I am bummed, too, that you didn't find out today. He/she would have had some new clothes for next summer already...i could have started a quilt or carseat covers.. Oh well, the time will come when it is time.

Steph said...

Silly baby!!! Doesn't "it" know we want to know!!