Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Hey it's me the person who doesn't like to get on the computer to write/email stuff. It's been a little while, so I guess I'll add a little something. We just got back from Utah. Todd got to do a little bonding with my dad at the Mountain Man Rendezvous. He camped up there, and Skyler and I went there for a day. We spent most of our time with G'ma Duffy. Our big excursions were eating out at El Matador and going shopping at my 2 favorite stores - RiteAid and Walgreens. Skyler and Sadie got to have a sleepover at Sadie's house. Aunt Stephanie was the luckiest one.

Skyler got her ears pierced while we were there. She has been wanting it done for quite some time. She didn't flinch or cry. Infact, she received a "certificate of bravery". She keeps saying "I'm so glad I got my ears pierced" and "mom, aren't you glad I got my ears pierced?" She loves them!!

It looks like we are going to be having another girl, but we aren't "for sure". I had another ultra sound, and the baby decided to keep the legs together again. I am hoping it is another girl just because Stephanie makes the cutest girl bracelets and headbands. Thank goodness Skyler was/is such a girly girl. She has been a lot of fun to have and shop for, etc.


Kari said...

Way to go Skyler! That's pretty funny she got a certificate of bravery. I have to admit that I will be a little sad if you don't have a boy...but just cause there aren't any! (I'm not saying i'd be sad if you had a girl, i'd just be sad if you didn't have a boy. there's a difference. i hope you get it so you don't get offended haha)

Grandma Duffy said...

I am so proud of did another post! WaHoooo!!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

I have been anxiously awaiting your post. . .so much fun news. . . can't wait for a photo of those cute ears. . . love you!

Steph said...

LOL .. they really weren't that bad when they slept over ... just every 5 minutes it was .. "Stephanie .. Stephanie.. Stephanie" LOL

Shane Zundel said...

blech boring old music hahaha
u should be coming back soon eh?