Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bike Ride and Farmer's Market

Today we went for a bike ride to downtown for the farmer's market. It is a lot of fun to go there. We bought things spontaneously though. I get "suckered" in on stuff. Todd goes for fresh bread. Skyler played in the water fountains and got in on some art projects. I was grateful to go riding on our bikes. We didn't take our tandum bike today. Todd pulled the trailer behind his bike, so that lightened my load. I think we rode 15 or 20 miles in all. It feels great to get out and enjoy the summer especially with Todd. Skyler and I would go biking ourselves, but it's more fun with daddy.

1 comment:

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

What great exercise! I love going to the farmers market, too, but haven't been in YEARS, you've inspired me . . .I'm going to find out where it is here!